Claus R. F. Overbeck

Entrepreneur, hacker, IT-security and more...

Claus R. F. Overbeck

About Me

I studied computer science at the RWTH Aachen University until 2007. As the minor field of study I chose business administration. In 2006 I co-founded RedTeam Pentesting GmbH, a very specialized provider of penetration tests. In so called “pentests” IT-security experts test the security of a network, system, product or application using the same methods as “evil” hackers to point out flaws in security and make suggestions for improvement. Yes, I am a professional, legal hacker.

In June 2013 I sold my shares in RedTeam Pentesting GmbH and left the company by July 2013 for new challenges.

In August 2013 I founded Abovo-IT UG (haftungsbeschränkt). Its first projekt is, an online reading website for kids. It is currently only available in German. Check it out and send me your feedback! LivingKidsBooks also has a Facebook fan page.

Abovo-IT also offers a wide range of services to others helping to realize their online media projects from video recording, to software/website implementation, to hosting and maintenance, to consulting.


Feel free to get in touch, I am looking forward to hearing from you!


The simplest way to get in touch is to just send an e-mail to

If you want to send me encrypted e-mail you can use this key.


The most businessy way to get in contact is Xing:

Claus R. F. Overbeck

I am also on LinkedIn:

Claus R. F. Overbeck on LinkedIn


If you are interested in what I share on-line, you may follow me on Twitter:
